What's the big picture? What's going on in the market? Any opportunities or problems in the market?
Write a concise statement of the effect the project should have on consumers. Typically expressed as an action or behavior. What should the project make the audience think,? feel? or do?
Create a portrait of the audience - a verbal picture that the creative team can talk to and visualize.
Identify the single most persuasive statement or compelling visual, you can present to achieve the objective. Keep it simple. Avoid generalities.
List the rational and emotional reasons for consumers to believe what you say, to try the product, to buy the service. Include all major copy points and visual evidence listed in order of relative importance to the consumer.
Here's where you can include consumer insights, memorable quotes, a description of the brand personality, positioning tag lines, creative thought starters, terms of the direct response offer, result expectations, and mandatory elements such as the logo and website address.
Please provide details on media, sizes, client presentation requirements even production specs - all depending on the project.